Launch captivating marketing campaigns and drive ROI through Rewards

Build meaningful connections with your potential customers, turn prospects into loyal customers and advocates, and host engaging offline and virtual events with personalized rewards to drive marketing ROI

Promosi Konsumen

Gamify your consumer promotions

Streamline consumer promotions with engaging gamification tools like Lucky Wheels, Scratch-offs, QR codes, and more. Simplify reward integration without complex coding, monitor ROI in real-time, track reward distribution, and seamlessly deliver rewards via QR codes, SMS, Email, or WhatsApp for a hassle-free redemption experience

Customer Acquisition Campaigns

Acquire new customers through rewards

Drive traffic, convert leads, and nurture prospects with targeted offers and incentives in your customer acquisition campaigns. Deliver relevant, desirable rewards through our reward-rich marketplace to prompt prospects to click, stay, and convert. Achieve better returns on ad spend, provide instant gratification, and acquire new customers with Xoxoday.

Hadiah Referral

Elevate your Referral Programs with Rewards

Amplify growth with a compelling referral rewards program, harnessing existing customers' network to drive new leads. Simplify your strategy by seamlessly integrating enticing rewards into your referral programs and creating a high ROI growth model without the need for complex coding or developer assistance.Xoxoday offers an array of attractive incentives tailored to drive engagement and boost productivity

Reviews & Rating rewards

Making every customer feedback count

Motivate customers to share their experiences by offering irresistible rewards, ensuring positive feedback shines while combating negative ones. Use Xoxoday to seamlessly integrate with review platforms and automatically send digital gifts, making every customer interaction count

Insentif Survei

Accelerate Survey responses and participation

Incentivize your surveys to attract participants, improve completion rates, and get quality responses. Integrate our rewards platform with any survey tool and auto send rewards on time. Elevate survey engagement by attaching irresistible offers that motivate participants to share valuable feedback, ensuring higher engagement and meaningful insights

Milestone-based rewards

Combating low engagement boost participation

Reward attendees at event milestones by offering enticing rewards, ensuring enthusiastic attendance, and combating low engagement. Overcome low LMS adoption issues by integrating rewards directly into your learning platforms to ensure a smooth user experience for learners and drive successful outcomes.

Shop & Earn programs

Offer exclusive deals and discount coupons

Enhance audience engagement with Xoxoday's Perks and Discounts Marketplace by integrating perks seamlessly into your platform for an enhanced in-app experience using Iframes or WebView. Offer exclusive deals and discount coupons upon purchase completion, guiding users securely through SSO to access these exclusive benefits

Rewards Redemption

Easily redeem rewards from 1mn+ options

Leverage Rewards APIs, which are the building blocks to launch a rewards and incentives engine with a shorter time to market. Automate rewards and incentives delivery from within by connecting your applications. Let your customers choose their own rewards from a global marketplace with 1mn+ SKUs and products across 20 categories like electronics, utility, food, groceries, e-commerce, travel & more

Hadiah Loyalitas

Enhance Loyalty Programs with Rewards

Implement point-based loyalty programs effortlessly with Xoxoday. Create and manage loyalty campaigns and distribute rewards via QR codes, SMS, email, or WhatsApp for omnichannel engagement. Ensure swift gift redemption and track reward status in real time for informed decision-making. From referring a new customer to running a closed-loop loyalty miles program to making repeat purchases.

Your all-in-one advanced solution for better business results

Puaskan prospek dan pelanggan Anda dengan hadiah yang dilokalkan dari lebih dari 1 juta pilihan hadiah, dan ubah CRM Anda menjadi pembangkit tenaga listrik untuk penjualan dan kampanye ABM

Omnichannel Experience

Kirimkan kartu hadiah elektronik dan kartu prabayar virtual melalui SMS, email, atau WhatsApp untuk menjangkau penerima yang proaktif.

Personalisasi dalam Skala Besar

Personalisasikan email hadiah dan halaman arahan dengan logo merek Anda, warna, gambar kreatif, dan catatan khusus.

Otomatisasi Kampanye

Easily customize your marketing campaigns with automated workflows and eliminate the need for custom development

Multi-mata uang & Multibahasa

Melampaui batas geografis tanpa kerumitan konversi. Berikan hadiah dalam mata uang dan bahasa yang Anda inginkan.

Pelaporan Komprehensif

Monitor rewards delivery and redemption status in real-time while having a bird's-eye view of your budget and expenses.

Integrasikan secara mulus dengan alat CRM & ABM

Integrate with Hubspot, Salesforce, or any ABM tool to fetch customer data, and automated reward workflows.

Integrate with MarTech tools

Connect Xoxoday with your marketing automation, CRMs, customer engagement, survey tools, and more to streamline rewards distribution and drive growth

Basis permintaan
Gunakan wawasan penjualan dan pemasaran dari Demandbase untuk mengotomatiskan hadiah berdasarkan keterlibatan.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Send reward and gifting campaigns using workflows or one-to-one reward widget.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Memiliki kemampuan untuk menambahkan kampanye hadiah untuk semua jenis umpan balik atau survei pelanggan di Qualtrics.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Ubah prospek menjadi pelanggan dengan mengintegrasikan pemicu hadiah berdasarkan data RollWorks Anda.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Tenaga Penjualan
Send personalized rewards and e-gifts and measure campaign performance with ROI dashboards.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Libatkan peserta acara secara online dengan kampanye pemberian hadiah yang menarik. 
Pelajari lebih lanjut

5000+ pelanggan di seluruh dunia menggunakan Xoxoday untuk mendorong pertumbuhan

"Sangat responsif dengan waktu aktif 100%"

Berkat Xoxoday, kami sekarang dapat mengotomatiskan pengadaan dan distribusi insentif, sehingga menghemat biaya dan waktu. Pengalaman responden online secara keseluruhan juga sangat baik.

Ravi Gour - Regional Panel Leader (Asia-Pacific), Nielsen

Baca studi kasus
"Platform ini melayani sendiri, cepat disiapkan, mudah digunakan"

Penambahan nilai datang dengan kemampuan untuk membuat halaman arahan yang dipicu untuk menampilkan hadiah yang dilokalkan, yang membantu bisnis kami dalam mendorong keterlibatan. Saya juga menghargai dukungan penukaran hadiah yang luar biasa yang kalian berikan.

Sandeep John - Kepala pemasaran lapangan, Asia Tenggara, Freshworks

Baca studi kasus
"Negara Adidaya bagi para pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh"

Xoxoday adalah kekuatan super yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh untuk melakukan banyak hal! Xoxoday telah menjadi nilai tambah yang luar biasa bagi Xero. Kami mencapai pertumbuhan 20% dari tahun ke tahun dan ini adalah kinerja yang brilian bagi kami.

Matt Wale -  Head of Growth Marketing, Xero

Baca studi kasus
"Peningkatan efisiensi pemberian penghargaan - 52% karyawan"

Karyawan kami sangat menyukai proses penghargaan Xoxoday . Layanan pelanggan yang mereka tawarkan luar biasa dan patut dipuji. Itu adalah kriteria paling penting bagi kami untuk memutuskan mereka.

Mitra Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia, H&M

Baca studi kasus
"100% resolusi pelanggan sesuai SLA"

Xoxoday Plum memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan agregator dan merek lain karena sedikitnya pilihan yang mereka sediakan untuk penukaran. Metode dasbor hadiah untuk memberi hadiah adalah cara yang jauh lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas untuk menerapkan strategi pemberian hadiah.

Biju Samuel, Capgemini

Baca studi kasus

Platform kelas enterprise yang sepenuhnya aman dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan skala

Inilah yang ditawarkan oleh Xoxoday :

Compliance via ISO 27001, SOC 2, HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR.
Secure access with SSO, two-factor authentication.
Global rewards catalog spanning brands, languages, currencies.
Agile microservices for rapid deployment, selective scaling.
Seamless integration with Sales, HR, Marketing, and more.