Harness the power of Instant-redemption

Maximize conversions and engagement through the effortless distribution of rewards via Xoxo Reward Codes.

Configure the expiry date for each link to suit your campaign

Not all reward campaigns have the same purpose, so there is a need to set up expiration dates that suit the objective. Xoxoday makes that easy.
  • Flexibility: Enables users to tailor the lifespan of each link according to campaign requirements.
  • Relevance: Ensures that promotional offers remain relevant by expiring links after the intended duration.
  • Control: Provides users greater control over their campaigns, allowing them to adjust expiry dates to optimize effectiveness.

Effortless one-step redemption of rewards

Provide your recipients with an effortless one-step redemption of rewards without requiring them to create an account.
  • One-Step Experience: Eliminates cumbersome account creation or login procedures for recipients.
  • Instant Redemption: Recipients can redeem rewards with just a single click, without friction.
  • Enhanced Satisfaction: A seamless journey enhances user satisfaction and encourages swift action.
  • Streamlined Process: Whether claiming incentives or redeeming loyalty rewards, Xoxoday ensures a hassle-free experience.

Personalized curated campaigns for your target audience

Buat kampanye dengan halaman arahan unik untuk menampilkan daftar merek yang dipilih untuk ditukarkan
  • Immersive Experience: Dedicated pages where recipients explore curated brands, products, or experiences.
  • Visual Engagement: Provides a visually captivating brand experience to enhance engagement.
  • Conversion Boost: Acts as a powerful conversion engine by showcasing exclusive deals and rewards.

Flexibility to redeem rewards partially or combine codes for a bigger reward

Berikan fleksibilitas kepada pengguna akhir Anda untuk menukarkan sebagian Kode Xoxo atau menggabungkan beberapa kode untuk menukarkan hadiah yang lebih besar
  • Partial Redemption: Users can redeem only a portion of the value from a reward code, allowing for flexibility in usage.
  • Combine codes for Bigger rewards: Users can combine multiple codes to unlock higher value redemptions.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Provides end users greater control over how they utilize their rewards, catering to individual preferences.
Kasus penggunaan

Endless opportunities with one unified solution

Pemberian Hadiah Perusahaan

Whether for your employee, clients or partners, Xoxo Reward Codes provide a personalized gifting experience. Recipients can redeem their Codes for a wide range of reward options.

Hadiah Liburan

With the flexibility to redeem for various options, Xoxo Reward Codes make holiday gifting enjoyable.Recipients can use their Codes to treat themselves to gifts or experiences.

Hadiah Referral

Stimulate customer referrals and word-of-mouth marketing by offering Xoxo Reward Codes as rewards for successful referrals, incentivizing existing customers to promote your brand and expand your 

Promosi Konsumen

Boost consumer engagement and sales through consumer promotions by offering Xoxo Reward Codes as incentives, encouraging purchases and fostering brand loyalty.

ABM (Account-Based Marketing)

Drive personalized marketing efforts with Xoxo Reward Codes to reward targeted accounts, strengthening relationships and increasing sales.

Insentif Saluran

Motivate channel partners, resellers, or distributors to achieve sales targets and performance goals by rewarding them with Xoxo Reward Codes, fostering collaboration and driving revenue growth.

Deliver instant gratification in three easy steps

Penerima hadiah
Send a unique code with chosen reward options and value via email or SMS.
Jelajahi dan tukarkan
Recipients select from your curated options in one step without registering, simplifying the process.
Kepuasan Instan
Sit back and relax! Your recipient will receive their chosen reward shortly.

We built the reward marketplace, so you don’t have to

Gunakan Reward Marketplace Plum untuk mengirimkan hadiah dan insentif dengan mudah dan aman secara global.
Start now

5000+ pelanggan di seluruh dunia menggunakan Xoxoday untuk mendorong pertumbuhan

"Platform ini melayani sendiri, cepat disiapkan, mudah digunakan"

Penambahan nilai datang dengan kemampuan untuk membuat halaman arahan yang dipicu untuk menampilkan hadiah yang dilokalkan, yang membantu bisnis kami dalam mendorong keterlibatan. Saya juga menghargai dukungan penukaran hadiah yang luar biasa yang kalian berikan.

Sandeep John - Kepala pemasaran lapangan, Asia Tenggara, Freshworks

Baca studi kasus
"Sangat responsif dengan waktu aktif 100%"

Berkat Xoxoday, kami sekarang dapat mengotomatiskan pengadaan dan distribusi insentif, sehingga menghemat biaya dan waktu. Pengalaman responden online secara keseluruhan juga sangat baik.

Ravi Gour - Pemimpin Panel Regional (Asia-Pasifik), Nielson

Baca studi kasus
"Negara Adidaya bagi para pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh"

Xoxoday adalah kekuatan super yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh untuk melakukan banyak hal! Xoxoday telah menjadi nilai tambah yang luar biasa bagi Xero. Kami mencapai pertumbuhan 20% dari tahun ke tahun dan ini adalah kinerja yang brilian bagi kami.

Matt Wale - Kepala Pemasaran Pertumbuhan, Nielson

Baca studi kasus
"Peningkatan efisiensi pemberian penghargaan - 52% karyawan"

Karyawan kami sangat menyukai proses penghargaan Xoxoday . Layanan pelanggan yang mereka tawarkan luar biasa dan patut dipuji. Itu adalah kriteria paling penting bagi kami untuk memutuskan mereka.

Mitra Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia, H&M

Baca studi kasus
"100% resolusi pelanggan sesuai SLA"

Xoxoday Plum memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan agregator dan merek lain karena sedikitnya pilihan yang mereka sediakan untuk penukaran. Metode dasbor hadiah untuk memberi hadiah adalah cara yang jauh lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas untuk menerapkan strategi pemberian hadiah.

Biju Samuel, Capgemini

Baca studi kasus

Platform kelas enterprise yang sepenuhnya aman dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan skala

Data protection is of utmost importance at Xoxoday, and we are committed to providing a safe, secure, and compliant loyalty ecosystem for businesses.